Den russisk tyrkiske krig 1676 1681 var en krig mellem Zar Rusland og Det Osmanniske Rige Krigen blev fort i det omrader der i dag er Ukraine Bade Rusland og osmannerne havde territorielle ambitioner i omradet der formelt tilhorte Den polsk litauiske realunion der dog umiddelbart inden krigen havde lidt nederlag til osmannerne i den Polsk osmanniske krig 1672 1676 I omradet var ogsa zaporogkosakkerne en magtfaktor men kosakkerne var splittede i sporgsmalet om hvorvidt de skulle alliere sig med den osmanniske sultan eller med den russiske zar Russisk tyrkiske krig 1676 1681 Kort over Tjigirin kosakkernes faestningDato 1676 1681Sted Tjigirin Resultat OmdiskuteretParterZar Rusland Ivan Samojlovitjs kossakhetmanatDet Osmanniske Rige Krim khanatet Petro Dorosjenkos kossakhetmanat Despite the loss of Chyhyryn the war aims of greatest importance to Moscow were therefore achieved Khan Murat Girei was compelled to negotiate at Bakhchisarai a twenty year armistice with Muscovy formally acknowledging Kiev and the Left Bank as Muscovite possessions Murat Girei played a crucial role in subsequently inducing Sultan Mehmet IV to ratify these same terms For Mehmet IV and Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa the destruction of Chyhyryn was thereby rendered a Pyrrhic victory Russia was drawn into war with the Ottoman empire 1676 81 that ended in stalemate in the armistice of Bakhchisarai in 1681 The indecisive Russo Turkish War from 1676 to 1681 centered on control of the fortress of Chigirin The Russo Turkish war of1676 81 is usually seen as a stalemate or even as a Russian defeat because Chyhyryn had to be destroyed and the right bank was thereby lost to the Turks and Iurii Khmel nyts kyi ol section ReferencerDavies 2013 s 9 Davies 2007 s 160 Davies 2007 s 161 Yafarova 2017 s 163 174 Yafarova 2017 s 271 284 Paxton amp Traynor 2004 s 195 Murphey 1999 s 9 Davies 2006 s 512 Davies 2007 s 172 Kollmann 2017 s 14 Stone 2006 s 41 Kilder og litteraturAksan Virginia H 1995 Feeding the Ottoman troops on the Danube 1768 1774 War amp Society 13 1 1 14 Davies Brian 2006 Muscovy at war and peace I Perrie Maureen red The Cambridge History of Russia From Early Rus to 1689 Vol 1 Cambridge University Press Davies Brian 2007 Warfare State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe 1500 1700 Routledge ISBN 0 203 96176 5 Davies Brian 2013 Empire and Military Revolution in Eastern Europe Russia s Turkish Wars in the Eighteenth Century Bloomsbury Academic Kollmann Nancy Shields 2017 The Russia Empire 1450 1801 Oxford University Press Lewitter Lucjan Ryszard The Russo Polish Treaty of 1686 and Its Antecedents Polish Review 1964 5 29 online Murphey Rhoads 1999 Ottoman Warfare 1500 1700 Taylor amp Francis Paxton John Traynor John 2004 Leaders of Russia and the Soviet Union Taylor amp Francis Books Inc Stone David R 2006 A Military History of Russia From Ivan the Terrible to the War in Chechnya Greenwood Publishing Yafarova Madina 2017 Russko Osmanskoe protivostoyanie v 1677 1681 gg Dissertaciya na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata istoricheskih nauk PDF russisk Moscow Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet imeni M V Lomonosova Se ogsaDe russisk tyrkiske krige